Goad - Adopt Pipi

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Pune, Maharashtra, India
Male, 5 years and 5 months old.
Other/Not Sure
PiPi is a 7-month-old indie male. He is an accident survivor and walks with a limp. The limping does not stop him from having fun and being naughty. He is potty trained, apartment-friendly, leash trained, dewormed, vaccinated. He also knows basic commands like sit, shake, down, stay, come, etc. He eats dog food and home food and not at all fussy. His chances of adoption are very low... We have been trying for over 3 months but no luck. Not even one enquiry :( You can adopt him and keep him from going back to the streets where he may not be able to survive.
Vaccinated: Yes Dewormed: Yes Sterilized: No
Sterilization planned for October.

Posted on 25/09/2020 by Shraddhaszs


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The lister requires people willing to adopt to fill an adoption form. This form will directly be emailed to the OP and they will get in touch with you if they find you well suited to own the pet.

Have you owned a pet before? Do you have experience with them?
Mention relevant stuff like what will you feeding the pet, where will the dog live and sleep, what times will you take them for a walk, etc.

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